Who We Are
The Whaling City Camera Club is a group of people of all ages and photographic abilities who share a common interest and passion for the art of photography. We believe the best method of understanding the art of photography is through education and the sharing of ideas and mentoring between members.
The club has about 50 members, most of whom live in SE Massachusetts. Some of us are just starting out in photography, and have joined the club to get help in learning how to use our cameras and edit our photos. Others have already mastered basic photography skills, and are looking to build upon that knowledge and refine our craft. Some of our members have more advanced skills and expertise, and may practice as professional photographer.
What We Do
The club offers a variety of activities designed to help members learn more about photography, develop and refine our skills, and share our experience with other members who have a passion for photography.
Key club activities include:
Educational meetings and workshops: Some of our twice-a-month meetings feature outside speakers, including professional photographers and educators, who offer programs on their particular area of expertise. Other meetings include special workshops hosted by fellow members with advanced knowledge in a particular area of photography and/or a specific photography editing software.
Competitions: We hold friendly competitions throughout the year, with professional judges coming to our meetings to critique members’ photos and rank images within three separate categories (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced). Competitions offer you a great opportunity to get feedback on your work, along with learning from suggestions by judges on all members’ submitted images.
Field Trips: A key element of our program are the frequent field trips scheduled to give members an opportunity to practice their craft “in the field”, and to learn from the experience of other club members. Outings are planned to take advantage of events and opportunities throughout the Southcoast area, and members can share their images on our collaborative MeetUp page.
Photo Critiques: In addition to the critiques offered by professional judges at our competitions, the club also schedules informal mentoring sessions, where you can get feedback and suggestions from other members on how to improve your craft.
Regional Events: Our club also collaborates with other local camera clubs and organizations, including the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC). Through these relationships, our members are frequently invited to participate in special events, workshops, and exhibitions around the region.
